[TT] Territotial Taxinomy
[DB] Database
Unlikely, the zone of study is distinguished by the almost total absence from surface water. This situation is justified by the insufficiency of precipitations, combined with the influence of evaporation. Consequently, the water resources are limited to the ground water and deep.
Two are the aquiferous systems that cover the zone of study and consist the exploitable resources for agriculture usage: The groundwater table of the Final Complex(CT) and the water table of “Continental Interclaire” (CI).
[ALG] Algorithm
Voronoi for lake tessellations, proximity for oasis network.
[MP] Maps
The springs that used to feed the oasis now have run dry. Instead of the springs, the fail lines of the Continental Interclaire aquifer are now the points that add naturally a low amount of water to the surface but twice a decade in extreme precipitations the lake floods, leaving the signs of salt crust that formed during the evaporation of the water.
During the summer months the lake is always dry and only few months of the year in normal condition smaller water ponds are formed where the levels of gypsum and halite runs higher than the wider area.
In this map we can also see the existing road infrastructure that links the several oasis and urban settlements around the lake where this is the scale of the TUNUR project that has been proposed.