[WH] Water Hub Prototype
[MS] Material System
Water hub prototype aims to utilize the ingredients of the water precipitations that can be found in the area in order to produce energy. At the same time, it challenges the existing methods of extracting water and proposes new.
[TF] Techtonic Flow
The actors that are engaged with its use are the DIY farmers, the Bedouins, the ISET students, and the tourists. As a site a new fossil water well site has been chosen on the borders with the Tozeur village that can be used as a test bed for the new methods.
[Ac] Actualization
Main use remains the extraction of fresh water from the deep aquifer. ISET students can use the space for their studies. In oasis terraces, DIY farmers can own an agriculture plot with the agreement of producing salt water batteries that can be used by the Bedouins. Topographically, architectonically as the prototype introduces a new landscape in the area, tourists can visit the place not only for learning about the process but also to enjoy the view.