[CED] Chott El Djerid area
[ENV] Environment
The Chott el Jerid Lake is located in southern Tunisia, adjacent to the Tunisian-Algerian borders, and covers an area of 5.000sq.km. It constitutes the biggest Tunisian salt lake and one of the most Mars-like places on Earth.
[TECH] Technological
The water resources take a very particular importance in any development project in the arid areas, water being “the source of life”. Unfortunately, since a few decades the depletion of most of the natural springs led to the creation of wells, where water is been drilled deep in the ground reaching from 60m. to 600m even 2.5 km deep.
[SOC] Socio-political
Due to the lack of water resources farmers are abandoning the agriculture activities and turn into the touristic industry. The only plantations that are been cultivated now days are date palm trees and the rest of the existing oasis is kept 'alive' for touristic purposes.