[MDT] Mediterranean
[ENV] Environment
It is strange that even if sustainable kinds of energy have evented through the years the energy industry is still relying on polluted sources such as oil, coal, gas. Within this paradoxical world, a very ambitious plan stands out which promise to provide sustainable energy for the whole Europe with cultivating solar power plants in North Africa.
[TECH] Technological
The Tunur pilot project will be the first experiment towards this attempt that will be built in the provinces of Tozeur, in Southern Tunisia. Tunur promises to produce and export sustainable energy from the Sahara Desert and through a submarine cable, transported it to Italy and then to the rest of Europe.
[SOC] Socio-political
It is estimated that Tunur pilot project will cover an area of 100 square km. of flat plate mirrors and will occupy 10.000 people. This well promising project, is being endorsed by the Mediterranean Solar Plan (MSP) principles, that strengthens the shifting towards renewable energy policies.