[LI] Lake Ichkeul
[ENV] Environment
Lake Ichkeul belongs to the world three landbrideges of bird migration and has been established as a national park, which is the last of a chain of shallow freshwater lakes once extended all along the northern African sea- board.
[TECH] Technological
Six dams have been built on the tributaries of Lake Ichkeul and we force on the largest one, which is called Sejena Dam. This dam is on the west of Lake Ichkeul.
[SOC] Socio-political
The park has been on the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites since 1980, and between 1996 and 2006 the park has also been on the group’s list of World Heritage in Danger. Dam construction on the lake’s feeder rivers has produced major changes to the ecological balance of the lake and wetlands. There was also agricultural encroachment onto the marshes.