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[NM] Nomadic Market
Material System
The periodic market in Tunisia is an economic institution and a social structure in which the majority of people in developing nations participate on a regular basis. It is the site of grass-roots trading, social interaction and political activity. The dispersal mechanisms and the nomadic style of markets is flexible to respond the farming production and food price fluctuation. The route of the nomadic market occupies the potential attraction space as the centre of the kinship community around. The emergence and the vanish of the market depends on the cultivation season and the play time. The Typology of market should adaptive to the desert climates .
Tectonic Flow
// flow
[Act]The Nomadic Market View
[MS]Feild Research
[MS]Market system
[MS]Operational Site
[TF]Ecological Structure
[MS]String Spontaneous System
[MS]The DIY Memu
[MS]The DIY Menu
[MS]Processing of Spring Structure
[MS] The View.jpg
[MS] The Night View.jpg
[MS]The day view.jpg
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