[SBZ] Sidi Bouzid
[ENV] Environment
Sidi Bouzid is located in the middle of Tunisia at the intersection of the Mediteranean climatic zone and Saharan desert. Just a decade ago, it boosts a diverse agricultural products from temperate fruits and vegetables to semi-arid olives and plants. However, due to recent climatic shifts, agricultural food production is decreasing exponentially. More wells need to be dug to obtain the water for the growth of mediterranean crops - further exacerbating the productive landscape.
[TECH] Technological
Technological systems are already in place within Sidi Bouzid - from government irrigation programmes to private algae cultivation initiatives. The actors + agents within the productive landscape of Sidi Bouzid adopt practices abd strategies to mitigate the acute water situation as well as shifting climatic conditions in SIdi Bouzid.
[SOC] Socio-political
In the recent years, the outbreak of farmers' protests in the area exemplifies the difficulty of farmers in these areas to meet their daily needs. The self-imolation of a vegetable seller within Sidi Bouzid culminates into the Arab Spring. Even in the post-Arab spring years, dissatisfaction within agricultural communities ensued. The governorate is marked by a disporportionate high youth unemployment rate. Also, gender disparation is seemingly high aswomen are often seen working in the fields or within the homestead.