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[DL]   Dynamic Landscape

[CD] Codes

Reaction Diffusion systems are mathematical models which explain how the concentration of one or two substance distributed in space changes under the influence of two processes: one is local chemical reactions in which the substance are transformed into each other, the other is diffusion which causes the substances to spread out over a surface in space.For our project, we use this process to simulate how and when our landscape will form and how it realize the exchange and blur the boundary.


[PS] Parametric studies

what we can control in this simulation are the range, continuity, shape and lifetime of the patterns. That means, we can control how much wastewater can be left and how long the bio-digestive unit will degrade it. Besides, the movement of the agents also can be controlled.Controlling where the agent gather and release will form a new landscape.


[SCN] Scenario

We choose one stage of the process to have our proposal. So this dynamic system will realize purifying process and provide potential space for the water rising up and shrinkage in the future.

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