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[TF]   Test Site: Touila Farm

[ENV] Environment

Located at the North-West of Sidi Bouzid, Agro-Combinat Toila is a state-owned cooperative. It is directed by the Office des Terres Dominiales (OTD). Of the 14,000ha area, 12, 700ha are farmed and only 500ha are irrigated.  Tree crops - in particular that of olives and almonds occupy 92% of that of the area. 


[TECH] Technological 

In the semi-arid area of Touila Farm, irrigation systems plays a critical role in mitigating a semi-arid conditions and provide a stable ecological environment. Of the 14, 0000



[SOC] Socio-political

Within the Touila farm, farmers' protests in the area exemplifies the difficulty of farmers in these areas to meet their daily needs.





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